Friday, April 23, 2010

Kelsey Garegnani - Relativity of time

) In class we talked about the idea of time being relative. The idea is that time is form the world, but is constructed by us. Because we have constructed it, it is subject to our perceptions of it, because in a sense, that is how it was created in the first place. Time, then, though it is depicted by us as linear and continuous, doesn’t have to be like that. If it is relative to us, then how we perceive it is how it is. We talked about how instead of being linear it is made up of distinguished moments in our memory which warps its progression in our minds. Also, if a minute feels like an hour is it really a minute? Time, being relative, wouldn’t be fixed into labels, but be based off of how we experience it, and to us be as long as it feels. Also, then I was thinking,, if we are thinking of it like that, then years would get shorter as we get older because of how long they feel relative to our lives. When you are six, and have only experienced six years, every year feel very very long. Seven feels like forever away. But when you are thirty, thirty one comes in a flash, and if you are eighty then eighty five comes in a flash. As we get older and have lived longer each year feels shorter relative to our experience and therefore is shorter. I almost don’t like that idea though because I like to think that even though a year might feel shorter now I still get the same amount of time and then my possibly skewed perception is rushing my life.

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