Friday, April 23, 2010

Outside Reading 4--Matt Brennan

Why is it that when we know that we sin every day, we blame others, or even God, when something bad comes our way? As I was reading further in The Silence of Adam, I came across this quote that helps explain that it is not their fault, but it is all our own:
Men are created in God’s image…the wrong choice, when unrecognized, results in the violation of man’s essential nature…departure from our intended design is the root of the problem, and the departure is always a choice.
If we aren’t necessarily blaming others for our problems, most of the time we still aren’t blaming ourselves. Why do we not think twice about that fact that it is actually our own fault these bad things are occurring in our lives? They happen because of the things we do, or do not do, in our own lives. As much or as little as we acknowledge it, we always have a choice. Perhaps this is the gift of free will, and if we make the right choices God will ultimately be glorified. But either way, we cannot continue to deny this ever-so-present truth.

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