Friday, April 23, 2010

The Narnia Films - Elizabeth Roy

The Narnia Films
Choice blog
Elizabeth Roy

I was interested to see, when I researched Lewis earlier this semester, that Lewis did not want the Chronicles of Narnia to be turned into films. Many people argue that the technology is so much better today, to the point where the books can be done true justice. However, I am not entirely convinced. It is true that cinematography has improved so that we can have more accurate (and less creepy) depictions of talking animals, such as Mr. and Mrs. Beaver. However, this does not necessarily mean that the books should of necessity be made into films. A movie reflects the society that produces it, which happens to be a rather different culture from Lewis'. For example, unlike in the older (and agonizingly bad) Narnia films, the most recent Prince Caspian adds on a ridiculous subplot of Susan and Caspian falling in love. To me, part of the charm of the Narnia novels is that they are just the slightest bit quaint and dated. This disappears in film. Also, no movie will ever be completely true to the book - the more so because we each create different images in our imaginations when reading. Lastly, making a film means that the question of commercial success enters the picture, such as in the case of the newest segment (The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.) I do like the first two of the modern Chronicles of Narnia films, but - the possibility of the others being ruined fills me with dread. Should Narnia just stay in our imaginations?

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