Friday, April 23, 2010

Lewis on psychotherapy - Elizabeth Roy

Lewis on Psychotherapy
Non-assigned reading blog
Elizabeth Roy

In Mere Christianity, Lewis addresses the growing field (at the time) of psychotherapy. Lewis was referring to Freud, but his comments are widely applicable to all forms of psychotherapy. Lewis says that there are two different things involved with a person's choices - one is what is naturally in a person, and the other is his conscious moral choice. Lewis says that the two are separate issues. Psychology is concerned with the first part, what Lewis refers to as natural impulses. God and the Church, on the other hand, are concerned with the second. I appreciate this point of view, and I wish that this was more common. Many religious people I have encountered have had a dislike of psychotherapy, saying that it is unnecessary in almost all cases. I think to confuse a psychological problem with a moral problem makes moral choice a more difficult prospect. If we cannot distinguish what we have conscious moral control over, how are we supposed to make such choices?


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